Déanaimid taifead ar an obair a dhéanaimid agus ar na modhanna a úsáidimid chun ár dtorthaí a mheas agus chun ár gcuid oibre amach anseo a threorú.
Nuair a gcuirimid tionscadal i gcrích, déanaimid ár ndícheall é a dhoiciméadú ar an mbealach is oiriúnaí, ionas gur féidir linn an méid a fhoghlaímid a roinnt. Uaireanta bíonn físeáin, tuairiscí, cás-staidéir nó fiú pictiúir i gceist.
Sa mhéid seo, tá samplaí de chuid díobh siúd bailithe againn le foghlaim chomhroinnte ó chuid dár gcláir, a mheastar iad a bheith suimiúil nó úsáideach d’eagraíochtaí, do ghrúpaí pobail agus d’ealaíontóirí eile.
Ba mhaith liom níos mó a fháil amach faoi ...
Hidden Histories map download
A self-guided history hunt across Dublin City Centre for young people, exploring history, architecture and little-known facts. Devised by Dervilia Roche, Dublin's first Historian-in-Residence for Children.
2020 - Athbhreithniú ar an mbliain
In 2020, leanamar orainn ag éisteacht, ag scrúdú agus ag foghlaim faoi phobal Bhaile Átha Cliath. Trí bheith ag obair le chéile, d’éirigh linn bealaí nua a aimsiú chun nasc a chruthú eadrainn trí chultúr agus comhrá.
Dublin Cultural Audit and Map
We have built a database and map of Dublin's culture.
Fundraising Fellowship Dublin: Hot tips - Corporate partnerships
Natasha McKenna from Mason Hayes & Curran offers advice on corporate partnerships and how to forge a successful collaboration between business and arts.
New Stream - Fundraising Fellowship Dublin
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios
Fundraising Fellowship, Dublin: Hot Tips - Funding sources
Andrew Hetherington, Chief Executive of Business to Arts, recaps what Fundraising Fellowship is, its focus and what it can offer to cultural organisations in the long term.
Fundraising Fellowship Dublin: Hot Tips - Building confident fundraising
Fundraising Fellow Anna McCarthy (Development Manager, Helium) talks about building confident fundraising and how to define your target audience.
Fundraising Fellowship Dublin: Hot Tips - Building confident fundraising
Fundraising Fellow Chandrika Narayanan-Mohan (Marketing & Fundraising Executive, Fishamble: The New Play Company) talks about building confident fundraising and the importance of marketing to your organisation.
Fundraising Fellowship Dublin: Hot tips - Building your network
John McGrane, Director General of The British Irish Chamber of Commerce offers advice on building your network, and why a corporate might be interested in collaborating with a cultural organisation.