This a unique and imaginative initiative as both sport and art are such valuable vehicles for engaging in the moment and nurturing our lives in challenging, but often fun ways ... I feel inspired and excited to explore this new challenge.Sharon Kelly, Artist in Residence, Creative Residency in Art and Sport

By bringing creative people and organisations together, and by connecting through culture and conversations, we will develop and share new ways of working.

In 2019, the inaugural Creative Residency @ King’s Inns appointed artist Jesse Jones to explore the theme of art and law, and to develop a new artwork.

In 2020, the Creative Residency @ Richmond Barracks appointed Dublin’s first Historian-in-Residence for Children, Dervilia Roche.

In 2021, the Creative Residency in Art and Sport appointed five artists in residence across different forms of sports across the city.

Creative Residency in Sport Artists with the Lord Mayor at the launch


Made by Dublin City Council Culture Company, the Creative Residency programme creates partnerships to try out ideas, test new approaches and add to the cultural story of the city. Creative Residencies encourage makers and experts to pilot new partnerships with organisations. By bringing creative people and organisations together, and by connecting through culture and conversation, we will develop and share new ways of working.