Cultúr ACCESS do Chách
Cultúr ACCESS do Chách
We are representing Dublin as part of the ACCESS Culture For All network.
The network of eight European capital cities - Amsterdam, Dublin, Lisbon, London, Sofia, Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, are working together to share ideas, experiences and to create new policies for cultural inclusion.
The really important thing is about sharing and learning from other cities, who are often doing the same thing and facing the same challengesJackie McNerney - ACCESS Participant, London
The network believes that culture plays an important role in finding solutions to the complex issues facing cities today. Over two years, the network will work together to develop solutions to common urban challenges.
It's aim is to bring about a real shift in cultural policy making in Europe, and as a result ensure access to culture for all citizens.
At the Culture Company we will be sharing learnings from our public consultation process and citizen-led approach to developing cultural programmes and operating cultural buildings here in Dublin. We have formed a local citizen’s advisory group, who we are working with through this network to explore new ideas around policies for cultural inclusion, and to create an action plan.
ACCESS is funded by URBACT, an EU programme to develop sustainable solutions to urban challenges.
Local project advisory group
Godfrey Chimbganda (community leader), Brian Crowley (Collections Curator - Kilmainham Gaol), Willy Cumming (Architectural Historian), Heather Maitland (Public Engagement Consultant), Dr. Stephen Mandal (Cultural Heritage Consultant), Helen Barry (Artist), Eleanor Collier (Digital Marketing Strategist / Marketing Director; Board Dublin Fringe Festival), Rachel Collier (Co-Founder and CEO, Young Social Innovators), Evelyn Darcy (Architect), Maretta Dillon (Arts & Film Consultant), Fergal Dowling (Composer), Kimberly Grey Ennis (Community Director Artery), Dr. Darren Kelly (Lecturer / Consultant), Dr. Conor Kostick (Writer), Muriel McAuley (Culture Club participant), Mrs. Jo McNamara (School Manager, School of Creative Arts, Trinity College Dublin), Megan Riordan (Performer & Theatremaker), Orla Ryan (Communications Consultant & Art Historian), Beverly F. Sperry (community activist in the arts), John Scott (Choreographer and Áosdana member), Mary Weir (Event Project Manager, Co-Founder Event Industry Association of Ireland).
ACCESS is funded by URBACT, an EU programme to develop sustainable solutions to urban challenges. URBACT is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the 28 Member States, Norway and Switzerland, URBACT is an instruction of the Commission's Cohesion Policy and contributes to its Europe 2020 strategy.