Dublin appoints its first Historian-in-Residence for Children
Dublin appoints its first Historian-in-Residence for Children
Today at Richmond Barracks in Inchicore, Dublin’s first Historian-In-Residence for Children was announced. From the 1st of September 2020 historian Dervilia Roche will work on bringing history to life with children, planting the seeds for a lifelong connection to the history of Dublin.
This partnership of Dublin City Libraries and Dublin City Council Culture Company brings together many of their shared values. The residency which aims to experiment, learn and share through history, will create space, opportunity and resources to uncover the stories of our city and its people, bringing the past to life by finding new and creative ways to engage and connect through history.
Dervilia is an avid believer that local history should be engaging, relevant and accessible to all ages. Through collaboration with children, schools, youth groups and community clubs this residency will allow Dervilia to explore local and social history with children, and will aim to empower the children in their own personal journey of discovery through stories and history.
This residency is aimed at 9 -12 year olds, and we are looking for young collaborators to work together with the Historian-in-Residence for Children to create workshops, projects and activities for others. We hope to create history clubs through the residency to further local curiosity about history, develop new skills amongst the collaborators and have lots of fun discovering new stories from our city along the way.
The year-long residency which is based in Richmond Barracks (Inchicore, Dublin 8) is a part of the Dublin City Council Culture Company Creative Residencies programme and is a partnership with Dublin City Libraries. It will commence from 1 September 2020.
More at Richmond Barracks
Richmond Barracks and gardens, in Inchicore, is also home to the newly rehoused Inchicore library (operated by Dublin City Libraries) and is open to the public, with full health and safety measures in place. The centre is open from Monday to Saturday 10am - 4pm and offers a range of public tours and activities, including a historical tour of Richmond Barracks, a Richmond Barracks to Kilmainham Walking Tour, and the newly launched Goldenbridge Cemetery tour, alongside workshops in gardening, singing, dancing and painting.